“​Try not! Do or do not. There is no try.”

– Master Yoda

Prepare. Persist. Perform. Pause.

As a Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Dr. Gunter focuses on the mental aspects of performance and works with athletes and performers to help strengthen this aspect of their game.

The goal is to enhance, improve or restore performance by teaching various mental techniques and skills that can be used alone or in combination with physical skills to address the mental blocks that negatively impact performance. I’ve worked with individuals from a number of different sports and at various levels of competition including elite amateur, high school, collegiate, and professional ranks.

Sport Psychology helps to:

  • Establish competition routines.
  • Increase motivation, confidence, and concentration.
  • Manage feelings of pressure and competition anxiety.
  • Address issues of perfectionism and negative self-talk.
  • Develop mental toughness.
  • Navigate athletic transitions (including retirement).
  • Cope with adversities such as injury & burnout.
  • Increase team cohesion and communication.

Services Provided

  • Individual sport psychology consultations.
  • Individual counseling services for athletes/performers.
  • Team-based workshops and presentations.
  • Workshops and consultation services for coaches, athletic trainers, medical professionals, sports nutritionists, athletic administrators & other athletic personnel.
  • General educational workshops and presentations about Sport/Performance Psychology and related topics.

Holistic Approach

Dr. Gunter takes a holistic approach when working with people. With that, she recognizes that athletes are individuals who exist beyond their athletic role/identity. Therefore, at times working together may include addressing personal concerns that are impacting an athlete’s performance and/or overall level of functioning.

Be Dauntless

The word dauntless is defined as showing fearlessness and determination. Synonyms include: bold, courageous, brave, daring, and resolute.

In addition to talent and skills (mental and physical), attitude or mindset has a significant impact on one’s performance. I believe that adopting a mindset that embraces the idea of being dauntless encourages athletes to trust themselves, control what they can, and “go for it” which gives them a chance to have their best performance every time they compete. If you work hard, you owe it to yourself to enjoy the ride.

Interested in scheduling an appointment?